Dundalk Raw VIP Business Sign Up

Welcome to the Dundalk Raw VIP Business Registration Page. Please register below to join our exclusive community and take advantage of the exciting benefits we offer.

Why Join Us? Dundalk Raw is dedicated to promoting local businesses and providing them with valuable marketing opportunities. As a VIP Business, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Enhanced Exposure: Increase visibility through our active Dundalk Raw Facebook group, where we'll actively promote your business.
  2. Social Media Spotlight: Benefit from additional marketing exposure through regular features on our Instagram stories.
  3. Direct Access to VIP Members: Connect with our VIP Members through our monthly E-newsletter, allowing you to engage with a highly engaged audience.
  4. Event Presence: Showcase your business at our events with a dedicated booth, providing you with valuable face-to-face interactions with potential customers.
  5. Customized Merchandise: Enjoy exclusive discounts on custom-printed business t-shirts partnered with Dundalk Raw, enhancing your brand's visibility.

Monthly E-Newsletters Stay informed and up-to-date with our monthly newsletters tailored specifically for VIP Businesses and VIP Members:

  1. VIP Businesses E-Newsletter: Receive a concise and informative newsletter highlighting group statistics, relevant updates, and opportunities that can benefit your business.
  2. VIP Members E-Newsletter: Gain exposure to our VIP Members through exclusive deals and promotions, creating a buzz around your business and encouraging customer engagement.

Collaboration and Support Dundalk Raw VIP Members actively support local businesses by engaging with your social media profiles, sharing product photos, posting positive reviews, and boosting your online rankings. This mutually beneficial relationship allows our VIP Businesses to thrive while offering our VIP Members exceptional discounts and deals.

VIP Business Booths For every event, we provide dedicated areas exclusively for our VIP Businesses. Details about booth availability and location will be communicated through our newsletters, ensuring you have prime exposure at each event.

Register Below Join us today by filling out the form below to become a Dundalk Raw VIP Business. Start reaping the rewards of increased visibility, valuable connections, and an engaged community of customers.